Project 1

Kasila the last king -> Book

Kasila, the fearless Mandingo Warrior King, ruled over his people with wisdom and strength in the 1500s. His kingdom was a thriving oasis of prosperity and peace, nestled in the heart of West Africa. But fate had other plans.

Project 2

A Boys Journy -> Short Film

An 11 year old Danny, diagnosed with terminal cancer, embarks on a heartfelt journey to find the father who abandoned him.Along way, he discovers the meaning of love, connection , and the courage to face the inevitable.

Project 3

The Last Roman Soldier -> Pilot TV Series

Omar, a man late 30s, has endured centuries of nightly torture followed by morning resurrection-his lopsided punishment for a mistaken sin. He once believed his atonement would be paid off through his pacifism and charity. When it is instead an act of violence that results in his first torment-free night, he begins to question the nature of his purpose, his punishment, and his supposedly "just" god